Friday, May 1, 2009

Welcome to the new blog! [Cincinnati Family Photographer]

Thanks for stopping by!
This blog will be a fun place for client's to get a sneak peek of their session before they are posted in the gallery. Watch for all the fun happenings, new locations we find, and some giveaways from time to time.
This business has been an amazing venture so far. The beginning of this blog marks the one year anniversary of my business, and what a year it has been! There are many, many people to thank who got me where I am. I turn 30 this summer and while I was never one to make lists of all the things I wanted to accomplish, I have to say that I am both shocked and proud to find myself here. I'm not sure I even realized that this was a goal of mine but I'm glad that those around me did and convinced me to go for it. Thank you to the many, many good friends who allowed me to steal their children and a very special thank you to Michelle! I sent a snapshot of one sweet little girl that turned into my very first photoshoot for two sweet little girls, and a business was born.

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