Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Did ya miss me? [Cincinnati Childrens Photography]

Hope you didn't think I'd closed up shop! ;) I was on a much needed vacation last week and I'm back with a bang.
Here is a sneak peek of Miss E's 9 month session! Mom, you are going to have a rough time choosing your favorites for this order because she looks so sweet in every single one! My favorite part of this business is getting to watch kids grow up, and E is always happy and ready for her close up. Can't wait for her one year session!
I make a conscious decision NOT to show my favorite as a sneak peek, but I couldn't help myself this time- the third image is probably one of my favorite captures of all time! Just something about those sweet sparkly eyes. I hope you'll agree, Mom! Your gallery should be ready by the end of the week. :)

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