FUN session! Big sis is an awesome helper who loves her little brother! They were a lot of fun and lots of laughs to be had. I love this 7-9 month age group, they're so smiley and not too mobile. All these blue eyes are so gorgeous! Thanks for meeting up with me, guys, and your gallery will be ready very soon! :)
Hope you didn't think I'd closed up shop! ;) I was on a much needed vacation last week and I'm back with a bang. Here is a sneak peek of Miss E's 9 month session! Mom, you are going to have a rough time choosing your favorites for this order because she looks so sweet in every single one! My favorite part of this business is getting to watch kids grow up, and E is always happy and ready for her close up. Can't wait for her one year session! I make a conscious decision NOT to show my favorite as a sneak peek, but I couldn't help myself this time- the third image is probably one of my favorite captures of all time! Just something about those sweet sparkly eyes. I hope you'll agree, Mom! Your gallery should be ready by the end of the week. :)
I LOVE these boys! I don't think little boys get any cuter than this. I think they've gotten even cuter since the fall! Their eyes are so blue it's amazing- I could have played with them all afternoon! Hope you enjoy your sneak peek, guys! Your gallery will be ready soon.
Happy one year anniversary to Liz Pennington Photography. I don't know if I ever imagined myself sitting here at this moment but I'm thrilled that I am! When the invitation came to photograph these sweet sisters, I think I actually got tears in my eyes. They were the very first session that I ever did, completely making things up as I went along, and thanks to a very sweet friend who was willing to let me steal her kids for a while, a business was born. In the year since, I hope that I have defined a style for my business and developed some very loyal customers which means a lot to me! It was very fun for me to mark my one year anniversary by photographing these girlies! For a little walk down memory lane, a little then and now:
Your gallery is almost ready! I love sparkly baby eyes. This little guy was so sweet- every time he coughed or sneezed, he gave a little sigh. It was adorable, I hope Mom and Dad have that on videotape! Thanks so much for letting me spend time with your family. Enjoy!
This cutie was one month old and so sweet! She gazed around with these big blue eyes the whole time and dozed off and on, so cute! Her parents were so much fun- thanks for being up for anything!
Your gallery should be ready tomorrow, but I wanted you to see a sneak peek first. I always keep my absolute favorite for the gallery, so I hope you love what you see tomorrow!
Thanks for stopping by! This blog will be a fun place for client's to get a sneak peek of their session before they are posted in the gallery. Watch for all the fun happenings, new locations we find, and some giveaways from time to time. This business has been an amazing venture so far. The beginning of this blog marks the one year anniversary of my business, and what a year it has been! There are many, many people to thank who got me where I am. I turn 30 this summer and while I was never one to make lists of all the things I wanted to accomplish, I have to say that I am both shocked and proud to find myself here. I'm not sure I even realized that this was a goal of mine but I'm glad that those around me did and convinced me to go for it. Thank you to the many, many good friends who allowed me to steal their children and a very special thank you to Michelle! I sent a snapshot of one sweet little girl that turned into my very first photoshoot for two sweet little girls, and a business was born. Enjoy!
All images are copyright protected and property of Liz Pennington Photography. Do not attempt to copy, save, or use images for personal use without purchase or consent. If you would like digital images for MySpace or Facebook, I am happy to send these out free of charge!